Website Information > Getting Started
08 - Pricing
You have the option to price your order forms using a standard, quantity-based pricing mode, or apply one of the advanced pricing methods for more robust pricing scenarios. Your website is also able to calculate the correct tax rates.
Meet The Pricing Methods
There are several ways to apply pricing to your order forms. Here is a brief overview of those options:
- No Pricing: Sometimes, you may find that you need to put an item on your site without a price. This is the option you'd want to use to do that.
Basic Pricing: This method is used to set up very simple pricing calculations, such as setting a per-piece rate or establishing pricing for set quantity breaks. This option is available on all websites.
Advanced Pricing: Calculator: The pricing calculator allows you to assign pricing calculations based on other order form elements, like single- or double-sided printing or the number of grommets in a banner. This tool is quite versatile, allowing you to apply calculations to subtotals, set different rates at different quantities, and more! This option is available through the E-Commerce Suite add-on.
- You can build your Advanced Pricing: Calculator pricing for testing, and then make it live to your customers when it's ready for the public. Use the "Publish Pricing / Switch to Test Mode" button in the upper right to toggle that.
- The system presents a Total Per Each value to the customer based on the final price. You can use the "Display TOTAL PER EACH with x decimal places" setting to determine how many decimal places to present to the customer
- The "Number of pieces is determined by" setting sets the default field to use for calculating the quantity of product to be priced. In most cases, you'll just be using "Quantity", but can use this pulldown menu for other options if needed
- The pricing Method setting determines how pricing breaks are handled.
- Step Pricing: All units are priced at the value established for last quantity break
- Sum Pricing: All units are priced at the value established for their own quantity break, and added together
- For a detailed explanation of these settings, please click the "Help" button to the right of the pulldown menu
How to create a subtotal in Advanced Pricing: Calculator
Advanced Pricing: Calculator allows you to organize your pricing into subtotals in case you want to make elements of your pricing more transparent to your customers (see sample below). At least one subtotal must be created for Online Pricing Subtotals to work.
- Click inside the empty white box at the bottom of the Advanced Pricing: Calculator editor
- Type the label you'd like to display to your client for this subtotal
- Click the "Add Subtotal" button
How to assign pricing to a subtotal
Now that you have at least one subtotal set up, it's time to fill in the pricing.
- The subtotal will have a pulldown menu below it with a green "Add Pricing" button to the right
Note: if the pulldown menu is not visible, click the triangle to the left of the subtotal's name
- Select a user option from the pulldown menu that will effect the pricing for this subtotal
- The pulldown list is automatically filled with the other question fields on the order form
- The pulldown list also includes every possible pairing of question fields, listed as question 1/question2
- Text input fields are not listed, unless their Input Format is set to "Numbers only"
- For pricing based on Quantity, choose "Basic Pricing"
- Click the green "Add Pricing" button to the right
- If you have added a multiple-choice option, you'll be presented with a list of all of those user choices.
Click the triangle next to the first option you'd like to price in order to view the main pricing entry box
(If you have added a user-input option, you'll be taken directly to the main pricing entry box)
- Now that you're at the main pricing entry box, it's time to fill in the pricing
- Setup charges can be added here as either a flat rate or percentage of previous subtotals (or left blank)
- You can use negative values for setup charges
- You can use a flat rate AND a percentage if needed
- Percentage of subtotals applies to all previous subtotals, not to other pricing within the same subtotal
- Quantity breaks are added by typing the next quantity value beneath "1 and up".
For instance, if pricing breaks are for 1-500, and 501-1000, type "501"
- Type the per-piece price in the boxes to the right (the ones with the "$" next to them)
- Some pricing schemes may require a "per-piece" value other than Quantity. You can choose alternate fields from the "Number of pieces determined by" pulldown menu
- You can use negative values if needed
- Some pricing schemes may require a "per-piece" value other than Quantity. You can choose alternate fields from the "Number of pieces determined by" pulldown menu
- Setup charges can be added here as either a flat rate or percentage of previous subtotals (or left blank)
- When finished, click the "Update" button
Best practices
It's often easiest to first establish a baseline price for a product. That is, what does it cost for the most common size, with no additional options or features? Then, add pricing for any of the other options for the additional cost of that option
Be transparent with your pricing. Instead of trying to cram it all into a single subtotal, break it out into as many subtotals as possible. This makes it easier for you to build your pricing -- and more importantly, it's easier to troubleshoot if your pricing isn't acting as you anticipated. Plus, it helps your customers get a very clear look at how their choices impact the cost of their project.
Ask for help early. The instant pricing system is quite robust, and can handle several complex pricing scenarios. However, there are some pricing models that go beyond its capabilities. If you find you're having trouble figuring out how to price a product, please don't hesitate to contact Customer Care. We'll be happy to work through the details with you.
Advanced Pricing: Tables: This one's for all you spreadsheet wizards out there. Tables pricing allows you to set up pricing for two or more entries from your order form, and put the price in. The system can even interpolate the prices for any combinations you leave unpriced. This option is available through the E-Commerce Suite add-on.
If you prefer, you can import pricing from a spreadsheet instead.
Applying Pricing to your order forms
To assign pricing to an order form:
- Locate the order form you wish to customize.
- Select the "Edit" button.
- Choose "Pricing" from the sidebar menu.
- Choose the pricing method you'd like to apply.
Setting the Tax Rate
Websites with the E-Commerce Suite Add-on have an automatic tax calculator built-in. All you have to do is tell it which states are applicable for you. In most cases, that will be your own printshop's location (state). To designate which states you are required to charge sales taxes for:
- Choose "My Website" from the Control Center's top menu.
- Choose "E-Commerce Settings" from the sidebar menu.
- Select "Tax Calculations".
- Place a check mark in every state you are required to charge sales taxes for.
- Then click the green Save button in the upper right corner of the page.
The next step
Our next article will show you how to set up the shipping options that are available to your customer through the website.